Vivi Andasari ST PDEng MSc, Kartini Award-winning Women's Riau His features are not as complicated as the research activities they do. Women who attend school from kindergarten to high school in Pekanbaru, Riau, this, now go into cancer research mathematician in Europe.
Assessed a female inventors and researchers, Vivi Award awarded by Kartini Kartini magazine delivered directly by the First Lady Mrs. Ani Yudhoyono, 30 April. But he was dismayed because his ability is difficult to be applied in Indonesia.
NOT much has changed both the fun, straightforward and friendly talk of self Andasari Vivi. January 2010 and then, Riau Pos, interviewed at his home town to Vivi Pekanbaru to the rubric''peep''(published Sunday, January 24, 2010). His return this time seems to add to the fun kids from Dr H Asnil Basyri bin Muhammad (late) because female Indonesian obtain a prestigious gift.
Gift of the activity was obtained by calculating the growth of cancer through the math. New science, it can be said in Indonesian foreign. Naturally, because in Europe and the Americas, applied micro-milli calculate the growth of cancer as a guide doctors give these drugs is still a new thing. Often she traveled around Europe to present his research about it so that when this began to familiar in medicine and biology. Kartini Day falls Moment
21 April last, can also be juxtaposed with moments of Education Day May 2 because of the categories obtained were women inventors and researchers so that so special gift for Riau.
This week's''Should I publish my research continued in the presence of professors. But I got contacted Kartini Kartini Magazine Award. I just want to be represented. But the committee said the president of protocol request, because the mother directly gave the State, can not be represented. That's why I permit me to go home the same professor and given thanks to God, even he was happy,''said Vivi to Riau Pos at the residence of his parents Pekanbaru Jalan Thamrin.
Vivi earn rewards along with seven other people with different categories. Vivi with the category of Women Inventors and Researchers, Eni Khairani (category Politics), Nancy Go (Professional category), Siti Aminah (Midwife Health category), Deni Hidayati (Education category), Sri Murniati Djamaludin (Environmental category), Louisiana Maria Mariani (category Social), and Sri Wuryaningsih (category Women and Children)
''I asked Kartini magazine Managing Editor if I was not anything compared to other women in Indonesia. Because the person who received the gift of great-great and was a long time been in the field. But they say that the results of the assessment team is already appointed judges. Tim juries from LIPI, Faith Satojo and others. This great gift from Allah to me and my family and the push to do better, show that women can also do a difficult job,''the light of Vivi.
Governor of Riau's wife, Mrs. Rush Septrina Primawati even took the procession to come to Jakarta for Vivi the award. He can be equated to feel pride as an inspirational woman who is expected to motivate Indonesia Indonesian woman who works as good as possible within the field that was involved.
Others wear kebaya''I wear songket Riau in giving that gift. I have not nothing, but will do better for this nation. This award is something that will never be forgotten in the history of my life,''said Vivi who once worked as a Research Assistant at Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands this.
Its action in the international world was already well known, especially among researchers. S2 finish at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, levels of education and then continued in the Department of Applied Mathematics in the same country. Then in 2005-2007, he completed S2 other majors, namely Mathematics for Industry at the Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
''Now a doctoral scholarship at the University of Dundee, Scotland, Department of Mathematical Biology Specialization Application of Mathematics for Cancer Research. Should contract was completed in October 2010.
But the contract was extended until 2011 due to numerous requests from other universities, including research institutes in America,''called Vivi who mastered the six international languages.
Is he including the Indonesian people doing business in another country and do not want to go back to devoting their knowledge because they are attracted by higher salaries offered in other countries? Vivi spontaneous laugh at the question. He admitted, that the professionalism of the researchers in Europe and America is much appreciated by the material than in Indonesia so many Indonesian people prefer doing business internationally.
''A lot of bids that came to me. Now all I had to do math research projects with research institutes United cancer. Actually I wanted to take part in Riau of Indonesia or to devote themselves. But if I have this science can be used in Indonesian? If merely a lecturer, scientific research will be of no use at all.
I applied science is, in Europe alone is not widely known and began to put into practice in medicine. In Indonesia, my knowledge does not exist,''said Vivi a little indecisive with a sense of nationalism comparable unlikely that didalaminya applied science.
Thought to remain engaged in Europe, there are some people describe Vivi Indonesia accepted the case. At the very least, call him, when there are Indonesian men engaged in the international world, will raise the nation that the Indonesian people also has the ability even better than those of developed countries.
''Because it is still uncertain, I still can not decide where I will later. What is clear now the focus of my research,''said Vivi who was born in Padang, February 20, 1976 and is still a bachelor.
Since the Child
Vivi's interest in the mathematical sciences have grown since childhood. The reason, in childhood, these girls are not fond of reading and would rather play and counting. While interest in the mathematics of biology begins Vivi when reading an article about her new science, namely mathematics and biology. After his studies in the Netherlands, Vivi slam stir and continue studies at the University of Dundee in S3 Skotalandia, Department of Mathematical Biology (Mathematics Applied to Biology and Medicine), Specialization Application of Mathematics for cancer research since 2007 until now.
Passion for science made him glance as an Indonesian and brilliant enough to be trusted sources at various international meetings such as the IGTC Summer School in Mathematical Biology in the event the University of British Columbia in Vancouver (Canada) with the topic of the Mathematical Modelling of Cancer Cell Invasion of Tissue, 2008. Additionally, Poster Presentation at ECMTB08 (European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, 2008) at the University of Edinburgh (Scotland) with stubs Modelling Cancer Cell Invasion of Tissue: Non-local Effects in the UPA system. So also at the Seminar of Numerical Mathematics Research Group in the event the Institute for Mathematics, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultdt III, Martin-Luther-Universitdt Halle-Wittenberg, Halle an der Saale, Germany, the topic of the Mathematical Modelling of Cancer Cell Invasion of Tissue and more.
Mathematical Biology, he described the treatment strategies by detecting cancer early. Research done in two ways ie individuals and the public. While the focus of studying cancer Vivi individually because the human body consists of trillions of cells and the science that can be utilized drug companies and doctors.
''Because this is a research focus on science, then I am more motivated to read and read articles and writings about this field. The more I read the more I know the greatness of Allah SWT. This is what makes me more and love the field on this one,''she admitted.
Over in Scotland, as a healer missed on his country, Vivi also joined in the recitation of the Muslim Mosque with Dundee there once a week. In addition, also gathered at the mosque to learn the Koran together and the speaker who perform religious mendamping there.
For him, in addition to activities that strengthen the faith, are also increasingly facilitate her English. Section, the English daily there enough variety, at least in the dialect of the local people. To gather fellow Indonesian people, they do once or twice a month outside the city.
When to treat''longing to the family and parents, we usually chat with each other or camera phone so we can face each other. I also came home once a year to Pekanbaru. So I just enjoy living life in Dundee,''he said.
Quoted from Riau Post
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