The stunning beauty of the culture of Bangkok is revealed in the beauty of the temples in the Bangkok, as well as in the culinary delight that is offered. The culinary is unique for the unusual combination of tastes and textures of spiciness, sourness, sweetness, and saltiness. All the delicious meals can be enjoyed in so many Bangkok restaurants, as well as in the restaurant of the Bangkok City Hotels, that serve exceptional cuisine and some other home-cooking cuisine.
Still, the modern in the city can be felt in the shopping area all over Bangkok. No matter your budget, the shopping activity in Bangkok will serve you at their best. It is ranging from the most glittering air-conditioned malls into the busy street markets. The spas that are offered in so many spa houses will also give you the best appeal in the one of the most-wanted-to-visit cities in the world.
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Bangkok tu exciting karena "wisata lendir"nya! Jangan lupa, Thailand berguru ke Bali dalam mengembangkan pariwisatanya beberapa puluh tahun lalu.
Anyway, banyak memang yang dapat dipelajari dari Thailand untuk pengembangan Wisata Riau...sehingga sering jadi alasan buat pejabat daerah untuk "studi banding"
:) boleh lah...artinya kita perlu buat macam tu jugak kan?
Jangan macam Disbudpar Riau, website pun tak punya!
enjoy travelling or backpacker brother
great posting friends, Keep post an good job :D
visiting today....