
December 14, 2010

Tropical rain forest in Riau- an attractive tourist destination

… few remaining tropical rain forests in Indonesia. In the race for time before the forests are lost to deforestation…

Giam Siak Kecil Bukit Batu (GSK BB) Biosphere Reserve. It is a peatland area in districts of Siak and Bengkalis featuring sustainable timber production and wildlife reserves, which are home to the Sumatra tiger, elephant, tapir, and sun bear. Research activities in the biosphere include the monitoring of flagship species and in-depth study on peatland ecology. Initial studies indicate good potential for sustainable economic development using flora and fauna for the inhabitants’ economic welfare. (Biosphere reserves are sites recognized under UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere Programme, which innovate and demonstrate approaches to conservation and sustainable development).

Giam Siak Kecil Bukit Batu (GSK BB) Biosphere Reserve (Gambar unesco.org)

Tesso Nilo National Park. It was declared a national park by the Indonesian government in 2004 located in Pelalawan District. The original area of the park was 38.576 km², but the decision has been made to expand it to 1000 km². Tesso Nilo National Park houses some of the largest coherent lowland rainforests remaining on Sumatra. The Center for Biodiversity Management has surveyed over 1,800 plots in tropical forests around the world. They found that no other plot has as many vascular plants as in Tesso Nilo. Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) surveyed forests throughout Sumatra, and also found that Tesso Nilo housed by far the most species.

Tesso Nilo National Park (Gambar flickr.com)

Kerumutan Wild Life Sanctuary. Kerumutan Nature Reserve is 120,000 ha and lies in the districts of Pelalawan and Indragiri Hulu. The reserve consists of extensive, relatively undisturbed peatswamp forest with a small area of dry land forest. The southern tip has been developed into rice field while the eastern part is permanently flooded.

Kerumutan Wild Life Sanctuary (Gambar greenpeace.org)

Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park. Bukit Tigapuluh National Park (BTNP) in Indragiri Hulu district was established in 1995, covering a total area of approximately 144,000 hectares. BTNP is rich in biological diversity and represents a complex habitat of flora and fauna which includes many endangered and protected species. BTNP is also the home to native tribal groups Kubu and Talang Mamak, They have been living in some parts of BTNP area for hundreds of years with their rich traditions, passed on from generation to generation.

Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park (Gambar flickr.com)

Sultan Syarif Kasim Forest Park. The Sultan Syarif Kasim Forest Park is a protected forest spread over three districts and municipality in Riau. The 7.000 hectare-area is part of Pekanbaru municipality, and the districts of Kampar, Siak and Bengkalis. Although the area is designated a national park, until today, hundreds of plantation companies and local people continue to clear land around it to expand their plantations.

Sultan Syarif Kasim Forest Park

Informasi PON Riau 2012, Wisata, Seni dan Budaya, Kuantan Singingi, Pekanbaru dan Riau umumnya melalui sudut pandang seorang Blogger yang berasal dari Sungai Kuantan

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2 komentar to “Tropical rain forest in Riau- an attractive tourist destination”

ini cagar alam yang di GSA kemaren itu ya?

miwwa said...

Wow..the place look beautiful but donno when to go there.

zool said...

Bagaimana Pendapat Anda?

KOMENTAR Sobat Adalah Nyawa Blog All About Pekanbaru Riau ini, Tentunya Blog Sobat Juga, Jadi Kita Sesama Blogger Mari Saling Menghidupi... Hehehe....

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