As one of terrestrial national parks in Indonesia, Bukit Tigapuluh National Park BTNP) was established in 1995, with total area of 127,698 hectares straddling a cross provincial boundaries of Riau and Jambi of Sumatra Island, Indonesia. The establishment combined two former protection forests of Haposipin in Riau Province and Singkati Batang Hari in Jambi Province as well as a parcel of land reclassified from limited production forest in Riau Province.

BTNP area when viewed in combination with the contiguous area centered on Bukit Besar in Jambi Province is already probably the most extensive remaining area of lowland primary forest in all of Sumatra Island. Because of its corrugated and hilly topography, BTNP is a unique extensive area within the Sumatran Lowland Biogeographical context, which makes it unique amongst other national parks in Indonesia.
BTNP area is formed from an extensive hilly area which is separated from the Barisan Range in the bordering area of Jambi and Riau Provinces. This hilly area is the water catchments for the surrounding region, forming a number of tributaries which serve the upper rivers of many important major river systems.
Many species of fauna are found in BTNP area, including the Sumatran tiger, Asian sun bear, Malayan tapir, Siamang gibbon, mouse-deer, wild boar, hornbills, banded langur, among many others. A rare and little known species of fungus is the Cendawan Muka Rimau or Tiger Face Mushroom.

Some parts of BTNP area are occupied by traditional communities, namely Kubu, Talang Mamak and Melayu Tua people. Kubu people are original ethnic group of Jambi Province; while Talang Mamak and Melayu Tua people are original ethnic groups of Riau Province. The knowledge of those people regarding the utilization of many kinds of forest resources is among the key assets of the national park to be tapped through visits program.

Administratively, BTNP area is managed by BTNP Bureau through preservation and sustainable utilization activities in zonal system. Several of the activities are carried out in collaboration between BTNP Bureau and Non-Government Organizations, such as World Wild Life Foundation (WWF), Yayasan Penyelamatan dan Konservasi Harimau Sumatra (PKHS Foundation), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS) and Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation NORAD).
Interesting sites
Puputan Keling;
the visitors can visit waterfall for bathing and plant observation.
Pintu Tujuh;
Caving activities.
Tembelung Berasap;
Similar with Puputan Keling, the visitors can visit waterfall.
Camp Granit;
The visitors can see waterfalls, recreation tracks along 8.6 km and rocks formation in a former mining area. Some activities are including research, photo hunting, birdwatching, hiking and landscape sight seeing.
Dusun Lemang, Siamang and Datai;
The visitors can see waterfalls, Gangsal River, and the settlement of Talang Mamak tribes and Malay communities. Visitor can also see a traditional ceremony from Talang Mamak community. The communities living around the National Park comprise several tribes with the relatively intact traditions and cultures, such as the Anak Dalam and Talang Mamak Tribes. They believe that the hills and plants in this area have the magical power over their life. Such perception is applied into their participation to protect and plants the Park.
How to get there?
Visitor who arrive from various directions may get to the Park Management Office in Pematang Reba via the following routes :
From Jambi (Sultan Thaha) airport along the Eastern Sumatran Highway on a 5 hour drive (approximately 310 km) to the National Park office in Pematang Reba; or 45 minutes by flight to Japura Airport in Rengat then about 25 minutes to the National Park Office in Pematang Reba.
From Pekanbaru (Sultan Syarif Qasim II) airport along the Eastern Sumatran Highway on a 4 hour drive (approximately 310 km) to the National Park office in Pematang Reba; or 30 minutes by flight to Japura airport in Rengat then about 25 minutes to the National Park office in Pematang Reba. The Sultan Syarif Qasim II International Airport has direct flights to Medan, Batam, Jakarta, Malaka (Malaysia), Singapore and connected to other main city in Indonesia.
Travel tips
•Every visitor must have a valid entrance permit.
•Every visitor must be escorted by an official guide.
•The trip ideally should be done in a small group.
•Visit/ Call Park Management Office for trips arrangement:
Balai Taman Nasional Bukit Tigapuluh
Jl. Lintas Timur Km.3 Puncak Selasih, Pematang Rebah-Rengat, Indragiri Hulu, Riau
Phone : +62-769-7000030
Fax. : +62-769-341727
E-mail :
Website :
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Photo’s credit
Informasi PON Riau 2012, Wisata, Seni dan Budaya, Kuantan Singingi, Pekanbaru dan Riau umumnya melalui sudut pandang seorang Blogger yang berasal dari Sungai Kuantan
yeah.. I liked this article...
sangat menakjubkan mas....
begitu indah... disini ga bisa nemuin kecantikan seperti di national park
Alam yang indah, begitu kayanya akan satwa dan fauna! Mari kita jaga kelestariannya!
Indonesia memang kaya dengan budaya.Inilah salah satunya
What a interesting place. Wow...
apalagi pengantinnya ntu..
ganti bahasa inggris ya...
secara indonesia gitu ;)
Absolutly its so beautiful
TNBT memang ok...saya sudah 2 x ke sana
Subhanallah indah sekali.
makasi sharingnya yaa :)