With the increasing number of direct flight to Riau from some other parts of the world, it makes it easier to go to Riau. To Riau, flight from Jakarta is about 1.5 hours, from Singapore or Kuala Lumpur about 35 minutes, , from Malaca about 30 minutes, from to with various airlines offering their services. Please check at "airline info" for more information about flight schedules.
Just make sure you look for "Pekanbaru (PKU)" instead of "Riau" in airline time tables. It is the capital of Riau. Or you can check your "Travel Agents" for more travel arrangements and accommodation. From Medan 50 minutes AND From Batam 30 minute.
">To find out about Riau you can go to the following link -> Riau
Riau Airport Information:
Bandara Sultan Syarif Qasim II Pekanbaru
Call. +62-761-858441, 40356, 7784849
Visi Riau
Just make sure you look for "Pekanbaru (PKU)" instead of "Riau" in airline time tables. It is the capital of Riau. Or you can check your "Travel Agents" for more travel arrangements and accommodation. From Medan 50 minutes AND From Batam 30 minute.
">To find out about Riau you can go to the following link -> Riau
Riau Airport Information:
Bandara Sultan Syarif Qasim II Pekanbaru
Call. +62-761-858441, 40356, 7784849
Visi Riau
Terwujudnya Provinsi Riau Sebagai Pusat Perekonomian Dan Kebudayaan Melayu Dalam Lingkungan Masyarakat Yang Agamis, Sejahtera Lahir Dan Bathin, Di Asia Tenggara Tahun 2020.
Informasi PON Riau 2012, Wisata, Seni dan Budaya, Kuantan Singingi, Pekanbaru dan Riau umumnya melalui sudut pandang seorang Blogger yang berasal dari Sungai Kuantan
I'm going to Riau next month.
pengen banget ke riau?
tapi masih belum punya uang..
n lagian saya masih kecil..
haduh... klenger ma bahasanya.. heheheh
...there is frequent ferry service from other parts of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore.
please check this webpage http://www.m-sia.com/indomal/price.html
jadi kepinggin keriau nie !!!! liat photo2nya yg bagus2 dan elok !!!!!
jadi ingin kesana :D
wow.. this is great, i think we should visite riau recently :D