Film Ratapan Sunyi di Semenanjung Kampar born from the crisis of acute peat forest destruction in Semenanjung Kampar caused by the opening of oil palm plantation and spend as Industrial Timber Plantations in Riau.
Semenanjung Kampar region includes the Siak and Pelalawan districts. peat swamp forests Semenanjung Kampar, covers 682 511 hectares spread in Siak and Pelalawan Regency.
Documentary film Ratapan Sunyi di Semenanjung Kampar a duration of 23 minutes 45 seconds, a portrait of society who are helpless in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the modern world into their lives. Film plots Nanang Sujana (Gekko Studio Bogor), this implicitly shows the macro issues in forest management in Indonesia, which requires a lot of improvement here and there.
This film has been watched and dissected in the Office of Community Leaders Forum Riau (Forum Komunikasi Pemuka Masyarakat Riau-FKPMR) in Gobah, Thursday, May 20 ago. Cultural Executive Editor of Al Azhar and Riau Pos, Hary B Kori'un, a surgery in the discussion.
Here, some scenes that exist and are reflected in the film Quiet Lamentations Semenanjung Kampar:
SEA is foggy. Surface water is only dimly visible. From a distance, seen someone to pedal boats. Slowly look up close look of a young woman looking for fish with simple equipment.
Several times he slipped into the water fishing equipment, but after being taken, again no fish in it. Some time after that, it looks large pontoon boats transporting wood chips to divide the sea. Images from the top that rotates around the ship, cargo timber showing the estimated thousands of cubic it.
"... The present situation is chaotic sea. Nets hit by ships are not replaced, was told not want to give us ... "came the voice of the narrator, Mr. Akiat. He told how disappointed he was when the webbing is damaged due to broken ship. He asked the webbing replaced, but the answer to the ship owners, they will send a letter to Jakarta. Akiat angrily, "How can I take two or three nets had to go to Jakarta? I am very disappointed, "said the man origin Penyengat Village, River Apit, this.
After that the pictures show how the heavy equipment working bypass the woods, making canals, and other forestry jobs in Semenanjung Kampar peat.
Some of the narrator then appear to tell the public grief that so long lived in simplicity. They consider granting licenses to large companies for the exploitation of peat swamp forests Semenanjung Kampar is a slap hard for them because during the peat swamp ecosystem is an area of 700 000 hectare area which should not be used as production forest and converted into plantation forests Industry (HTI), palm oil plantation, and so forth.
"It's been hard to find fish, hunt can not, because the forest has been deforested. How the fate and future of our children? "Said Mr. Dum, one of the farmers in the Penyengat.
Coming soon his trailer on the blog this information Pekanbaru and Riau. Do not you miss it, please subscribe to this blog. Sorcerer's Greetings!
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